

RiverRok an intuitive artist with deep love for our Mother Earth-Ship.

Her passion is to live her life guided by her heart so she may be of highest service and fulfill her reason for being here.

RiverRok is a 500-hour Certified Embodied Yoga teacher whose practice and teachings flow from the deeply transformative wisdom of Prana Vinyasa — a movement meditation art form weaving the ancient arts of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra; developed by her mentor,  global teacher, Shiva Rea, founder of the Samudra Global School for Living Yoga, where she works currently as Community Coordinator.

This is my life path which allows the ancient teachings to continuously deepen my connection to self, Great Spirit, and to the natural world.

Throughout her life, she’s developed a deep connection with Earth and the mysticism of daily experience. She enjoys sharing different forms of ancient and modern transcendent wisdom, intertwining her early Metaphysical Science Bachelor's with yoga, sound alchemy, Open Contact, holistic health, Shamanistic and Indigenous Practices, intuitive art, and ecstatic dance. 

At the heart of her offerings is a deep reverence for the Light that is within all beings and a commitment to supporting the evolution of our Earth Family.

RiverRok facilitates transformative spiritual retreats and sound journeys in different Earth Power sites. Her offerings integrate Trauma Informed healing spaces through Yoga Prana Vinyasa, ancestral intuitive touch, and other arts to awaken higher consciousness. She received my professional training by two global spiritual teachers: Shiva Rea & the channeler of Bashar: Darryl Anka.

Her passion is to live in service to the Light that is within ALL and to support the evolution of our Earth Tribe by being a friend on the path.

“We are anchored in love.

We are anchored in Love.




-Mount Shasta Kola Kan (Tree Spirits)

More about me…

From childhood, I experienced an intrinsic understanding of the mystic nature of our Earth experience.  Lovingly supported and guided by my parents, both physicists as well as shamanic & esoteric practitioners, I was exposed to the realms of the occult from a very early age.  

As a young child, I visited a “curandera” (witch doctor) with my parents.  There, a seed was planted; I witnessed a powerful sight that would carry me throughout my life.  I saw, in a very organic and natural manner, the rules of physics dissolve into what could only be described as “magic.” That seed experience has grown to support a very unusual perspective on Life.  

At 9, I experienced contact of the 5th kind with extraterrestrials.  Although the memory was “masked” at that timing as a “screen projection,” through years of meditation and with support from ceremonial Plant Teacher wisdom, as an adult, I have been able to dissolve the veil and re-member the experience.  After I became a mother, I also experienced what is known as sleep paralysis, a phenomenon recognized by many experiencers as probable evidence of ET contact.  These profound encounters have kindled my passion for being a seed for Open Contact with benevolent extraterrestrial & multidimensional beings.  I am a co-founder and ambassador for the Hybrid Earth Alliance (HEA).  HEA focuses on sharing, in safe community space, life practices and creative methods related to the idea of Open Contact with extraterrestrial beings.  Such practices include lucid dreaming, meditation exercises, intention setting for manifestation, and the sharing of synchronistic experiences related to multidimensionality and telempathy (telepathy + empathy) within the group members.  HEA’s intention is to support the crystallization of the human experience as Homo Galacticus.  I am also a student of Bashar’s messages.  Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka), is a “Messenger” friend.  I volunteer with Bashar Communications, an organization dedicated to supporting the fair access and generation of Bashar’s messages.  I am a student-practitioner of Shamanic Practices transmitted by Willa Hillicrissing which have allowed me to profoundly connect to the energies of Earth, my own Nature Self, to the Elements’ Consciousness and Elementals of the environment.

I found yoga at the age of 14, igniting an intrinsic passion, which led to my training to teach in the LA area in ‘09.  Later expanding movement training in the art of Capoeira. While living in Okinawa, Japan, I studied Tai Chi and Karate, deepening the movement capabilities within my body. Here, I shared my love for yoga with local communities, including military families (all ages) on and off bases. In recent years, I have deepened my studies in the arts of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra, Movement Meditation, and free-form Trance Dance with the guidance of my teacher, Shiva Rea, founder of the Samudra Global School for Living Yoga and I currently support the school as Community Coordinator. This is also where I received my 500hr Yoga Teacher Training Certification.

I am a devoted mother to two amazing beings.  I have consciously chosen to practice “Child Led Learning/Passion Oriented Education” as my approach to homeschooling; expanding from the seed perspective that "the lesson is to be adapted to the child - not the other way around,” (-Bashar). This allows the child to absorb the information needed from a place of excitement rather than imposition, guilt, or conditioning.  I practice the “Conscious Parenting Paradigm Method” developed by Angela Rose Young, which is based on the idea of honoring the child as a whole, individual, conscious, and intelligent being. While living in Okinawa, I founded an all-inclusive homeschooling community to support a healthy, stimulating, harmonious, and respectful environment for children and families of diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

I lived in the Mount Shasta Volcano-Earth Chakra, where I offer yoga & movement meditation, sound alchemy baths, plant song concerts, moon rituals (all-gender inclusive), after-school yoga, spiritual & holistic retreats, community support of conscious nightlife through fundraising, food-clothes-toy drives, and guided pilgrimages to Sacred Sites in the area.  I collaborated with local businesses to reduce food waste and food insecurity, promote sustainability and create a supportive and connected community through the “Mount Shasta Food for All” (inspired by the Davis Night Market ), the “FREEdge” project, and special events with the Soul Connections Community Center.  I am also currently partnering with local individuals and Original Land People to bring a deeper understanding of ancestral wisdom through sharing of art and culture to preserve ancestral wisdom. Inspired to “leave the space better than we found it” and the need for family community support, I created the Mount Shasta Homeschooling Community.

Some of my expressions of passion include yoga, movement & sound alchemy, plant music co-creation, Open Contact, trance dance, holistic health, intuitive arts, homeschooling/passion-guided learning, and Earth connection through nature bathing, meditation, and ancestral wisdom.  

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